6 min read

Exploring Attribution Modeling Types for Better ROI

2 min read


3 min read

How I use MER as a North Star Metric

2 min read

The rumors of ROAS demise..

3 min read

Meta Removes Detailed Targeting Exclusions from Ad Campaigns

5 min read

2023 Attribution Insights

5 min read

2023 Ad Spend Insights

5 min read

Save 20% of Ad Spend with FunnelVision: A Game-Changing Solution

2 min read


attribution habits & ML automation

3 min read

FunnelVision Release - Wicked Reports Product Update

2 min read

Did you know... Find Hidden ROAS

6 min read

Exploring Attribution Modeling Types for Better ROI

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 11, 2024 9:04:50 PM

Every savvy digital marketer wants to know one thing: what’s working?

Topics: attribution windows Attribution Health multi-touch attribution
2 min read


By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 16, 2024 4:30:08 PM

The skill in which Facebook takes credit for a sale is astounding.

Topics: Facebook advertising Facebook attribution windows Facebook conversions multi-touch attribution
3 min read

How I use MER as a North Star Metric

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 5, 2024 11:32:18 AM

Not enough marketing teams spend the time to get aligned with the boss on a north star metric and it needs to havoc and stress...and nobody wants that!

Topics: Data Driven Strategy Wicked Scott Framework
2 min read

The rumors of ROAS demise..

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 21, 2024 5:58:49 PM

it's clickbait that works - marketers screaming from the mountaintops "ROAS is DEAD!".

Topics: Facebook Facebook conversions Jedi Strategies
3 min read

Meta Removes Detailed Targeting Exclusions from Ad Campaigns

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 15, 2024 10:18:03 AM


Topics: Facebook Facebook conversions Facebook ads Facebook pixels
5 min read

2023 Attribution Insights

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 3, 2024 10:57:51 AM

Wicked Reports attributed $4.4 billion in revenue in 2023.  Here’s the breakdown:

5 min read

2023 Ad Spend Insights

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 2, 2024 4:03:42 PM

As we close the chapter on 2023, a look back at the spending trends of Q4 2023 vs Q4 2022.

2 min read

🌟 Introducing the New and Enhanced Mission Control Screen at Wicked Reports!

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Dec 13, 2023 2:07:35 PM

Prepare to be wowed by our latest updates – a suite of new features and changes designed to elevate your experience:

Topics: Mission Control
5 min read

Save 20% of Ad Spend with FunnelVision: A Game-Changing Solution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Dec 13, 2023 10:42:57 AM

Discover how FunnelVision, a game-changing solution developed by Wicked Reports, can revolutionize your marketing strategy and save 20% of your ad spend. This blog post outlines the unique features and benefits of FunnelVision for both marketing agencies and their clients.

Topics: funnelVision cost savings automated attribution
2 min read


By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 12, 2023 12:51:45 PM

🌟 Unlock Your BFCM Potential with Scott's Insights! 🌟

attribution habits & ML automation

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 26, 2023 11:30:15 AM

I recently chatted with Depesh Mandalia from AdSignals about our use of Machine Learning to help our customers to automatically mine their attribution data to find valuable consumer behaviour insights, to generate alerts and weekly recommendations. 

Topics: New Feature Announcement New Product Launch
10 min read

Apple IOS 17 Link Tracking Protection from a Marketing Attribution Perspective

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 16, 2023 12:08:08 PM

Apple IOS 17 - short term data slippage, long term upheaval


  • UTMs, Facebook click IDs, and Google click IDs are going to be stripped from IOS17 links - both iPhone and Mac
  • Tracking and reporting solutions relying on link identification text are going to be impacted
  • Approaches on tracking and attribution post IOS 17 are given below
  • With our deep partnerships with Google and Facebook, we heard about Apple's work on removing link IDs and UTMS (they call it "link decoration") back in Spring 2022.
  • It took all 13 years of our experience in tracking & attribution - but Wicked Reports users will still have accurate marketing attribution and optimization
The Scoop on IOS 17 and Link Tracking:
Apple has announced IOS 17, and it's causing some marketing world drama.  https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2023/06/apple-announces-powerful-new-privacy-and-security-features/

In particular, this paragraph has thrown us digital marketers into an uproar:

Link Tracking Protection in Messages, Mail, and Safari Private Browsing
Some websites add extra information to their URLs in order to track users across other websites. Now this information will be removed from the links users share in Messages and Mail, and the links will still work as expected. This information will also be removed from links in Safari Private Browsing.

This means users can select a setting that will strip all UTMs, variables, and click IDs from Facebook, Google, TikTok, Microsoft, et al.  

With Google Analytics 4 being pushed onto everyone, it's divine timing that Apple drops a bomb on GA4's potential data accuracy.

On the surface, you hear it's for private browsing mode, and relax - that's similar to incognito mode in Chrome, which people generally only use to snoop around or visit certain late night sites...right?

But then I was shared this video from Travis Ketchum, and this might be a bigger deal than I thought.  The video goes right to the time stamp that has the Link Tracking Protection settings - and it sure seems easy to turn this on for ALL browsing.

Topics: Email Marketing Automatic Link Builder Facebook conversions UTM value UTM UTM values Attribution Health WBRAIDS GCLID
5 min read

How Digital marketing agencies can Retain Clients using Full Funnel Attribution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Apr 21, 2023 9:55:11 AM

Wicked Reports is the leader in full funnel, multi-touch marketing attribution software, built for digital agencies.

The relationship between agencies and clients can tricky: it depends on the issue and depends on the day!

Wicked Reports has helped many agencies successfully navigate those relationships with their clients - 
where value is hard to prove and the agency is under pressure to perform.

3 min read

FunnelVision Release - Wicked Reports Product Update

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 17, 2023 11:43:11 AM

Our Revolutionary report for full funnel visibility


2 min read

Did you know... Find Hidden ROAS

By Andy Nadler on Jul 21, 2022 11:41:01 AM

Did you know you can find hidden ROAS by customizing your last click attribution to use different customer journey clicks? 


Many times, valuable Ad clicks get lost in the sea of clicks a contact may make.  This means that at first glance your ROI and ROAS may look lower than you hoped.

5 min read

From credit cards to PayPal: Comparing the security of online payment methods

By Chandler Franks on Jul 13, 2022 11:12:40 AM

In a world where convenience seems to be valued more than ever, it’s safe to say that online shopping has become the norm. After all, why spend time commuting somewhere to purchase products when they can be delivered? Americans spent nearly $250 billion on e-commerce in the first quarter of 2022, according to preliminary data from the U.S. Department of Commerce. That’s up 6.6% from the same period the year before.

2 min read

Did you know... First Click and New Lead Sales Velocity

By Andy Nadler on Jul 13, 2022 9:31:19 AM

Did you know that with Wicked Reports, you can get a very clear understanding of how long it generally takes your prospects and leads to make their first purchase?

Knowing how long it takes for prospects to turn into customers is a very important metric.  Many marketers expect their ads to drive immediate sales from clicks on their Ads.  This can lead to disappointing results or a very inaccurate reading of performance.

2 min read

Did you know... Any Click Search

By Andy Nadler on Jul 5, 2022 1:06:06 PM

Did you know that with Wicked Reports, you can find every contact or customer that has clicked any given ad?

6 min read

Fastest growing e-commerce sectors for 2025

By Dom DiFurio on Jun 28, 2022 2:25:48 PM

Fastest growing e-commerce sectors for 2025

The COVID-19 pandemic supercharged Americans’ appetite for 24-hour seamless online shopping experiences. But will the trend change our shopping habits for good?

5 min read

How To Use Marketing Attribution Models To Increase Marketing ROI

By Katie Switzer on Jun 27, 2022 4:14:02 PM

Update: Click to learn more about FunnelVision here.

Understanding different attribution models and how to use them is critical to marketers looking to increase ROI on ecommerce brand advertising.

Attribution models are powerful because they make it easy to spot what campaigns are not performing, and which campaigns should get more ad spend.

Data is collected when a user first clicks on an ad, the user begins to be tracked, data is recorded, that data can be sent back to Facebook or Google  This data collection and attribution process continues from that first-click to every interaction thereafter, crediting campaigns with revenue from sales.

There are four main types of marketing attribution models:

  1. First Click ROI
  2. First Opt-in ROI
  3. Last-Click ROI
  4. Re Engaged Leads ROI
  5. Multi-Touch (Full Impact and Linear) ROI

Each of these models is used to evaluate marketing performance at different levels of the sales funnel.

Using them strategically in combination with each other is critical for developing a high ROI for paid advertising at every stage of user interaction. They make it easy to determine what content is performing (and what isn't) so you can eliminate the fluff and focus your efforts and budget on what converts.

First Click ROI Attribution Model

First-click attribution is just that - it gives all the credit for a sale to the very first click a user makes.

This is best used to identify what campaigns are performing best for cold traffic (TOF). 

You might think that you need to optimize cold traffic for clicks or leads. This is a common misconception about TOF optimization. 

But the most successful brands know that the highest ROI comes from optimizing cold traffic for purchases. Not just any purchases - high value customers.

This can be done a couple of ways. The most common methods for optimizing on LTV we see is brands dive into their customer LTV reporting and create lookalike audiences and replicate the content that inspired their highest value customers to make purchases. 

This one small strategist shift around optimizing cold traffic can make an enormous difference in your ROI throughout the entire sales funnel. Try it and see the results for yourself.

Re Engaged Lead ROI Attribution Model

Re-Engaged Leads are critical for keeping your list engaged, improving deliverability, and increasing ROI through repeat purchases.

The Re-Engaged Lead ROI Attribution Model credits all revenue to re-optin content from MOF.

It's useful for optimizing MOF for content that engages users, inspires new or repeat purchases, and keeping your brand in the front of people's minds.

Use this model to eliminate MOF content that isn't performing. The benefits of this are increasing ROI by reducing buying cycle time. Buying cycle is the time it takes from first-click or lead opt-in to a purchase. Reducing this time makes you ROI positive in a shorter time frame, recouping your advertising costs faster and potentially bringing in more sales from repeat customers.

Reducing the buying cycle time can be pretty powerful for your bottom line.

All you have to lose by optimizing MOF with a ReEngaged Lead ROI Attribution Model is negative ROI campaigns!

Last Click ROI Attribution Model

Crediting all the revenue to the final click before purchases gets you a clear image of what content is inspiring users to become customers. 

The Last-Click ROI Attribution Model makes it easy to identify positive ROI campaigns or channels. Then you can add budget to scale those campaigns and increase overall revenue.

Negative ROI campaigns should be killed - but hold on! Before you do, let's talk about buying cycle time a little bit more.

We talked about reducing buying cycle time by eliminating MOF content that doesn't perform using ReEngaged Lead ROI.

But how long should you let a new campaign run before pulling the plug?

Amateur marketers will often turn a campaign off after only 3 days (or less). This is a critical mistake - they are likely killing campaigns that just haven't had time to build value yet.

The best way to check buying cycle time for your brand is to use a Sales Velocity Report. You can check the buying cycle time from first click or lead to sale using one of these.


Now it becomes easy to decide how long to run a campaign before you kill it or scale it. This is especially helpful with last-click campaigns at the BOF, which take the longest to convert because they are by definition at the end of the buying cycle.

To optimize paid advertising, your brand needs accurate, multi-touch attribution data and a clear measurement of buying cycle time. 

Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution Models

Multi-Touch Marketing Attribution Models credit revenue across multiple touch points, rather than a single step of your funnel (like first- and last-click models). This is insightful for taking a 10,000 foot view of marketing performance, making it easy to identify which steps in your marketing funnel are performing well and which need a little TLC.

We love using these to get an idea of where to dive into the details on funnel steps, channels, and individual campaign performance using the other attribution models previously discussed.

We use two different multi-touch marketing attribution models to help our clients scale their paid advertising performance. Our Linear ROI Attribution Model credits revenue fractionally across as many as four touch points, which helps to highlight strong and weak areas across your marketing funnel. The Full Impact Attribution Model credits full revenue at each of four touch points, which makes it much easier to see the highs and lows.

Multi-touch attribution models offer incredible insights into your marketing performance that just cannot be found anywhere else.

You can find out more about Linear and Full Impact ROI Attribution models here.

How To Optimize Ecommerce ROI From Paid Ads Using Marketing Attribution Models

Marketing Attribution Models with accurate attribution data are a game changer for ecommerce brands looking to increase their ROI.

The most important ways to use these models to optimize are:

  • Multi-touch Attribution Models are the best place to start with a high level view of marketing performance.
  • Use First-Click ROI Attribution to optimize your cold traffic for high value customers, not clicks or leads.
  • Keep email subscribers and retarget audiences engaged, and increase ROI by tracking ReEngaged Lead ROI and replicating or scaling effective content.
  • Last-Click ROI Attribution is best used to scale BOF ads for actual purchases and customer LTV.
  • Allow campaigns to run for at least one buying cycle before deciding to kill, chill, or scale.

You can bring all these tools together using the Wicked Reports dashboard, to get the most out of accurate, multi-touch marketing attribution.

Book a call with a Wicked Attribution Expert to see what Marketing Attribution Models can do for you!

multi touch marketing attribution software


Topics: attribution models attribution marketing attribution ROI
2 min read

Did you know…Potential Missed Opportunities

By Andy Nadler on Jun 27, 2022 1:52:26 PM

Did you know that you could find inactive campaigns that are still generating revenue and may be worth turning back on as a way to potentially continue boosting sales?

Oftentimes as a media buyer, you’re making fast decisions on imperfect information.  You’ve launched an ad campaign and after a few days, it’s not performing as you’d like so you cut it and move onto the next one.

3 min read

Microsoft Ads Integration with Wicked Reports

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 24, 2022 11:35:13 AM

You asked, we built it! 

Microsoft Ads just got more wicked

Microsoft ads just got more Wicked with a 1 minute integration process that delivers accurate cost, ROI, and attribution down to the ad and keyword level for all Microsoft ads.

Watch my demo from an ecommerce brand using Microsoft Ads - Wicked Reports shows attributed ROI of 365% on just one keyword campaign...and there's a lot more to see! Hit Play 👇

2 min read

Did you know…Custom Attribution of Last Clicks

By Andy Nadler on Jun 22, 2022 9:19:23 AM

Did you know that with Wicked Reports, not only can you see the actual last click which generated a sale, but also see how other clicks along the customer journey actually impacts your ROI.

Many times, important ad clicks get lost in the sea of clicks a contact may make.  Not all of those clicks get attributed to a sale, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t contributing to sales and impacting the purchase decision.

5 min read

Found it cheaper elsewhere? Here are 5 risks when buying from third-party sellers online

By Regina Beach on Jun 13, 2022 10:52:47 AM

Found it cheaper elsewhere? Here are 5 risks when buying from third-party sellers online

Shopping online has never been easier. From ordering takeout to buying a car, you can purchase almost anything with the click of a button. Some shoppers feel safer buying from big-name websites, but they may not know that sellers on online marketplaces are predominantly third-party vendors, and unaffiliated with the company.

6 min read

How To Use Multi-Touch Attribution for Ecommerce Marketing

By Katie Switzer on Jun 8, 2022 10:39:00 PM

Have you ever wondered which ads are bringing in sales, and which campaigns are wasting ad spend?

Topics: Ecommerce marketing attribution ROI Linear Attribution Attribution Health multi-touch attribution
6 min read

5 ways TikTok taps into online shopping—and more revenue—on its platform

By Bekah Wright on Jun 1, 2022 2:02:42 PM

The creator economy is here, thanks to social media platforms like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram. Now, businesses, brands, and influencers are taking to social media with its far-reaching and lucrative impact, while the e-commerce umbrella expands to include social media marketing and social commerce.

8 min read

7 Tips To Scale Facebook Ads

By Katie Switzer on Jun 1, 2022 1:45:00 AM

Are your Facebook ads getting good ROI? Now is the time to start scaling them up to grow your brand.

5 min read

Ecommerce Customer Lifetime Value: The Surprising Metric for Optimizing Cold Traffic

By Katie Switzer on May 31, 2022 12:46:12 PM

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) is an often overlooked metric for ecommerce companies. That's not a bad thing though because it gives an advantage to brands who are using it properly to optimize cold traffic. Their competitors don't even know what they are missing!

Topics: Ecommerce LTV
5 min read

How To Optimize Ecommerce Facebook Ads For High ROI

By Katie Switzer on May 25, 2022 1:35:00 AM

It seems like everyone is talking about optimization in 2022. But, most “optimization,” tips online are really just how to set up winning campaigns for beginners.

Topics: Facebook ads optimize
5 min read

What is a good ecommerce customer acquisition cost?

By Katie Switzer on May 18, 2022 2:00:00 AM

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a critical metric for anyone using paid advertising for an ecommerce brand. If your CAC is too high, revenue won't grow, but if you aren't spending enough on leads they will not convert to customers.

Topics: ad metrics marketing metrics customer lifetime value cac
7 min read

Digital Marketing Metrics That Actually Matter and How To Use Them

By Katie Switzer on May 11, 2022 1:35:05 AM

What is a digital marketing metric or KPI?

KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators, are the critical metrics that successful brands use to measure their results. 

Topics: customer value over time ad metrics marketing metrics ROI LTV roas
8 min read

From cobblers to e-commerce: How buying shoes has changed over 300 years

By Bekah Wright on May 10, 2022 2:39:38 PM

Yes, shoes can be considered utilitarian, but for many people, they’re beloved. How deep does that love go? Former Philippines First Lady Imelda Marcos opened the Shoe Museum of Marinka in the early 2000s to showcase her more than 2,700 pairs of shoes. Footwear doesn’t need to be fancy to be meaningful. A favorite pair of muck boots can warm the heart, while sneakers can spur a lifelong affair.

5 min read

What is a good ROAS for online ecommerce advertising?

By Katie Switzer on May 10, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Getting a good Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) makes the difference between a thriving ecommerce brand and a dying one. It’s important to understand how to use ROAS as a metric to make marketing decisions about your paid advertising, and also when ROAS might not be that helpful.

ROAS is especially important for ecommerce businesses who are running multiple ads on different channels. It gives a metric that can be tracked at the channel, campaign, or ad level to determine what is working and what is not with regards to advertising performance.

Using ROAS, you can often tell at a glance whether an ad is a candidate for scaling or needs to be turned off. It’s very helpful for evaluating the effectiveness of specific advertising campaigns, rather than a 10,000 ft view of your marketing department.

Topics: ad metrics Facebook ROI marketing metrics return on investment roas
5 min read

Cost Per Lead and Why It Matters (Or Doesn’t)

By Katie Switzer on May 3, 2022 2:29:59 AM

Unless you have been advertising online blindly or spending too much time on TikTok, you have probably seen the acronym CPL. Cost Per Lead (CPL) is a metric that most media buyers track for the brands they advertise for.

Topics: cost per lead ad metrics marketing metrics
6 min read

What shopping in the metaverse might look like

By Chandler Franks on Apr 29, 2022 10:57:16 AM

Imagine our world, then picture it fully digital. For many, it looks like the metaverse, an immersive virtual space where we can log on to meet friends, shop, work in virtual offices, and even buy virtual real estate. Offering an estimated $800 billion market opportunity, the metaverse is eyed by online game creators, social networks, and various tech leaders who are looking for the next game-changing technology platform.

5 min read

How AI predicts what you’ll buy

By Caroline Delbert on Apr 29, 2022 10:45:50 AM

It’s a jungle out there—few places so much so as the world of “smart” advertising.

5 min read

Expert Advertiser Secrets to Optimize Google Ads for Increased ROI

By Katie Switzer on Mar 31, 2022 2:25:58 AM

If you aren’t optimizing your Google Ads campaigns, you might as well throw your advertising budget into a flaming dumpster.

Topics: Google Ads optimize
19 min read

How ad spending in the US compares to the rest of the world

By Regina Beach on Mar 29, 2022 2:29:55 PM

How ad spending in the US compares to the rest of the world

While it may not immediately occur to most people, the advertising industry is one of the largest and most pervasive industries in the world and also one of the most multifarious. When you think of advertising, some common modes include television ads, internet ads, radio commercials, physical advertisements such as billboards and signage, and social media campaigns. But within each of these categories are even further sub-categories, and how each is employed and consumed differs from country to country, which is also to say they differ by society.

Topics: ad spend
5 min read

3 Expert Secrets to Optimize Your Ad Campaigns

By Katie Switzer on Mar 22, 2022 5:48:17 PM

How to Improve Your ROI Without Increasing Ad Spend

Optimizing ad campaigns is a critical part of improving ROI and maintaining the health of your ecommerce business.

8 min read

How the pandemic revived the subscription box industry

By Leesa Davis on Mar 22, 2022 10:53:45 AM

The subscription box craze isn’t anything new, but the COVID-19 pandemic played a huge role in subscriptions experiencing a renaissance while many brick-and-mortar businesses struggled. Wicked Reports analyzed specific trends around subscription boxes and their broader economy to illustrate the pandemic impacted the industry. 

2 min read

Product Update: Any Click Search Filter Option

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 18, 2022 4:14:53 PM

Any Click Search is a new filter option in Wicked Reports' Customer LTV reporting. 

5 min read

Tracking and Optimizing SMS Conversions

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 18, 2022 3:09:20 PM

Every ecom brand would love a 10% lift in revenue. This is achievable if you put the same thought and effort into your SMS campaigns as you do with your paid media and email campaigns.

10 min read

Brands spending the most on digital advertising

By Eliza Siegel on Mar 16, 2022 10:55:28 AM

With brands pouring more money than ever before into advertising, it’s easy to understand why we’re inundated with ads on every platform, from the time we're reaching for our phones in the morning to when we’re dozing off to shows on streaming platforms at night. 

5 min read

Wicked Explainer: Data-Driven Conversion Attribution in Google Ads

By Katie Switzer on Mar 7, 2022 6:54:03 PM

What is data-driven attribution?

Prior to September 27, 2021 Google ads provided only last-click attribution when reporting conversions. This meant ad campaigns were only credited with a conversion if it was the last ad a user interacted with. 

7 min read

8 biggest e-commerce sectors today

By Regina Beach on Feb 25, 2022 3:47:30 PM


The pandemic accelerated the already high speed with which e-commerce was taking over traditional brick-and-mortar retail. It’s predicted that by 2024, revenue from e-commerce will surpass in-person shopping. E-commerce is defined as the online purchases of consumable and durable goods for personal use. Total e-commerce revenue in 2021 was a whopping $799.5 billion and it shows no signs of slowing down with projections for 2022 totalling nearly $908 billion.

6 min read

How To Choose a Marketing Attribution Software

By Katie Switzer on Feb 21, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Find out what the best marketing attribution software is for your ecommerce business by comparing features and technology.

11 min read

The Wicked Guide To Marketing Attribution Models

By Katie Switzer on Feb 16, 2022 4:20:25 PM

Increase Your ROI By Optimizing Your Ads for High Value Customers


Have you ever asked yourself:

19 min read

How each state is affected by e-commerce scams

By Lauren Liebhaber on Feb 10, 2022 12:38:07 PM

While economies the world over suffered, slowed, and effectively stopped due to the pandemic, the fraud economy flourished. Experts estimated that the annual global cost of fraud in 2020 would total just over $5 trillion USD—more than the GDP of most countries.
2 min read

will ios15 updates affect wicked reports' tracking?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Nov 3, 2021 12:14:11 PM

You may have heard about the new update coming to iOS15.

Are you wondering how iOS15 will affect advertisers using Wicked Reports?

The short answer: It doesn't.

Keep reading for the long answer.

Topics: Email ROI Facebook ROI email performance Facebook ads FAQs GDPR ios
1 min read

Product Update: Customizable Columns

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 20, 2021 2:49:58 PM

Your unique business requires a thousand daily unique decisions. And, when you're using Wicked Reports to make your marketing decisions (like scaling, killing, or chilling ad spend), you've got a ton of data at your fingertips. Now, there is a way to customize how you see your data arranged.

Topics: product updates
1 min read

New wicked feature: first click sales velocity

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 6, 2021 12:23:00 PM

Do you run a marketing funnel that does not involve an email opt-in step?

Topics: Predictive Behaviors report New features value over time sales cycle Sales Velocity Report
1 min read

New Product feature: Facebook API Conversion

By Andy Desgrosseiliers on Jun 3, 2021 10:03:44 AM

Have you been struggling with attribution pixels not firing and other tracking issues inside CRMs after the iOS14 update?

Topics: Facebook advertising Facebook Conversion Tracking New features
6 min read

Gclids, Gbraids Wbraids - what is going on?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 4, 2021 4:12:54 PM

Most Google advertisers understand that Google click IDs (known as GCLIDs) can help power Google Ad smart bidding campaigns when they are captured and uploaded back to Google.

However, GCLIDs have recently started “disappearing” in some cases, and/or being replaced by GBRAIDs and WBRAIDs in certain instances. Why is this happening?

It all comes down to changes Google has made in the wake of Apple’s iOS14.5 software update.

NOTE: Apple has done it again with IOS 17. To read about why GBRAIDS and GCLIDS are doing to "disappear", click here https://www.wickedreports.com/blog/ios-17-link-tracking-protection

In summary, if a click is coming from an iOS device, and the user has opted out of tracking, you will see either a GBRAID or WBRAID, depending on criteria you can read about below.

If your Google Ad click is coming from a NON-iOS device, you will still see GCLIDs and be able to optimize them as normal.

Here are all of Google’s resources on this change: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/10417364

Bidding considerations for impacted campaigns
Campaigns using Smart Bidding will continue to set bids based on the most accurate measurement available. However, we recommend that you prepare for the above changes by closely monitoring the performance and delivery of all campaigns serving on iOS traffic and, if necessary, make adjustments to budgets and Smart Bidding CPA or ROAS targets to help you achieve your goals. For example: If you would like to increase spend, you can raise CPA targets or lower ROAS targets as needed.

When Apple’s ATT policies take effect, we will no longer send the Google click identifier (GCLID) for ads on iOS 14 traffic coming from impacted Google apps. This new ATT compliant parameter, known as “wbraid”,replaces gclid on most iOS surfaces. Advertisers should ensure that the destination websites in their advertising campaigns can receive an additional passed URL parameter and that any web attribution systems they may have can support this parameter, when needed. On non-iOS surfaces, “gclid” will continue to serve as the primary mechanism by which we attribute conversions. Please note that search is not affected by this change, and will continue to use gclid.

Q: What should my advertiser do to ensure they are prepared?
A: As a best practice, we recommend the advertiser implement One Google Tag (OGT) (gTag.js and/or Google Tag Manager).
In addition, a small percentage of advertisers may need to ensure their site is able to accept arbitrary URL parameters by following the directions here -> https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1033981

Q: How does this new parameter work?
A: Similar to GCLID, this new parameter is dropped in a 1st party cookie set by A Google Tag (including gTag.js, gtm.js, and analytics.js linked to an ads account) when a user lands on a page after clicking on an ad. This parameter helps attribute conversions back to ad campaigns but does not uniquely identify the user.

Q: Why is this new parameter ATT compliant but gclid is not?
A: This new parameter uses techniques that ensure it cannot be tied back to any one individual user. wbraid uses aggregation techniques to ensure ATT compliance. We are exploring additional techniques like deidentification, in line with Apple’s ATT policies.

Q: What is the visible impact of this change?
A: This is a backend change that advertisers will not see in the Google Ads UI (front-end). The new parameter will be dropped in a 1st party cookie by default and this parameter will be used to pass conversions to your Google measurement solutions in an ATT compliant manner. As always, advertisers can opt out of 1st party measurement all together which will disable use of GCLID as well as this new parameter. Advertisers may see this new parameter present in some URLs that originate on iOS traffic

Q: What is the difference between the “gbraid” and “wbraid” parameters?
A: Both parameters function similarly, in that they are added to the URL (in place of historical identifiers) to measure when the ATT prompt is not accepted. Both parameters also use aggregation techniques to attribute conversions. However, notable differences exist as well:

  Gbraid Wbraid
Where is it used? App measurement (deep linked campaigns) Web measurement
What campaign types? Search/Shopping YouTube/Display/Discovery
Example? Web→ App. Joe clicks on a web ad for shoes, which takes him to a popular shoe app. In the app, Joe purchases a pair of shoes
App → Web. An ad for shoes runs in the YouTube app. Joe clicks on the ad and it takes him to the shoe brand’s website. On the site Joe purchases a pair of shoes
Reporting Granularity No change to reporting granularity No change to reporting granularity
1 min read

Wicked New feature: Advanced Clicks Api

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 3, 2021 11:51:06 AM

Wicked Reports is designed to follow users across devices by tracking clicks, leads, email opens, purchases, and other user action.

Topics: New features clicks Outbound API
1 min read

Wicked Improvement: Emailed Reporting

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 24, 2021 9:20:23 AM

You've been asking for it, and we listened!

Get daily, weekly or monthly reports customized for your most important campaigns in an easy to review email format.

Just follow the step-by-step instructions in the video below to see how you can get insight into your account quickly and regularly without having to dig too deep into the Wicked Dashboard.

Topics: setup Tools and Tips Wicked Reports Setup ready-made reports client report product reports FAQs wicked reports data
1 min read

Wicked Improvements We Can't Wait To Share

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 15, 2021 10:26:01 AM

Wicked Reports is growing! We are working our tails off to provide the best possible marketing attribution data and ROI for our customers. Watch the video below to find out how we're doing it!

Topics: New features broadcast email Tools and Tips ready-made reports wicked reports data
1 min read

Wicked Improvement: Google Audience Tracking

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 3, 2021 9:57:00 AM

Wicked Reports is excited to announce a change to Google Ads tracking inside our dashboard!

Topics: AdWords Google Ad Manager return on investment wicked reports data
1 min read

Outbound API with Wicked Reports

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 19, 2020 7:24:22 AM

One of the features that our clients have been asking for is the ability to export data for additional analysis in Google Data Studios, spreadsheets, or other BI tools.

You asked, and we listened.

Announcing the newest feature of Wicked Reports - complete data flexibility using an outbound API for easy export of clicks, leads and orders..
Want to see how Wicked attributed all your orders? Done!
Want to see all of the clicks for your leads? Piece of cake!
Want to see all of your leads and how they are attributed? No problem!

If you are a data nerd or you just like to see your data in a certain way... you can now export all the data from your marketing channels that Wicked Reports makes available in one place... to wherever you want.

Your data. Accessible. Useable. Practical.

If you're already a Wicked Reports client, you can check out the Outbound API endpoints at https://docs.wickedreports.com/.

Topics: Outbound API
2 min read

Wicked Reports & New Zapier Release

By John Peich on Sep 3, 2020 3:31:34 PM

Wicked Reports has released its newest Zapier Integration that provides you with more functionality when sending custom clicks! Therefore, we are deprecating our older releases (1.1.1 & 1.1.2) to have everyone move to this newer release (1.2.1). Here's what you need to do to upgrade.

Topics: Zapier
1 min read

Wicked Reports Voted a Top 30 App By hubspot users

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 10, 2020 1:19:10 PM

Wicked Reports is thrilled to receive the honor of being voted a HubSpot Top 30 App by their customers!

Wicked Reports and HubSpot partner together to provide all your marketing on one platform and a practical metrics dashboard to track your sales and marketing effectiveness.

This means you can stop wasting money on ads, focus your advertising spend on channels that actually work, and not miss any data or revenue that you might otherwise overlook.  

The HubSpot App Marketplace features third-party tools from all around the world that HubSpot customers can integrate into their business to help them succeed and grow.

The Wicked Reports App brings clients ultimate clarity and detailed customer journey data, ensuring that you have accurate marketing data to make the best decisions possible. 

With over 500 apps on HubSpot Marketplace, this is a huge milestone for Wicked Reports as it shows HubSpot clients recognize our passion for tracking sales with precision, and the value of our service.

We continue to give you accurate attribution, so you can optimize your spending accordingly and get full access to your customers’ journey from their first click to their last. 

This award has given us confidence that we are providing what is needed for businesses advertising online to not only succeed, but thrive!

Topics: Wicked Reports HubSpot
12 min read

Marketing Attribution in 2020: Measure ROI/LTV Across Platforms

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 1, 2020 9:19:02 AM

Marketing attribution is the art of identifying those channels, campaigns, and individual ads that contributed to a single conversion.

1 min read

Wicked releases new mission control report with help from our partners at Google

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 27, 2020 1:42:29 PM

Today Wicked Reports announced the beta release of an entirely re-imagined Mission Control report suite to help ecommerce, subscription, and info course marketers optimize ad spend and increase ROI more easily.

Topics: New Feature Announcement marketing attribution ROI
16 min read

How to Track the ROI of Your Digital Marketing

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 15, 2020 9:48:00 AM

A review of over 60 different marketing studies has shown that more than 40% of advertising spend is completely wasted.

Topics: ROI customer lifetime value LTV
1 min read

Cohort Report Updates

By John Peich on Apr 5, 2020 6:45:42 PM

Wicked Reports is making it easier for you to look at your Cohort Reports. We've:

Topics: Blog cohort
2 min read

New ROI fields release - March 26 2020

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 26, 2020 11:54:56 AM

Wicked Reports just upgraded the ROI report March 26th 2020, here are the highlights:

Topics: Blog marketing attribution ROI new customer CPA marketing attribution for subscriptions
1 min read

Customer Journey Roleplay

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 24, 2020 10:49:13 AM

Today we explain marketing attribution with a role play.  The role playing kicks in at the 90 second mark!

Topics: Blog
1 min read

1st Party Data

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 2, 2020 4:08:20 PM

First-party data is the data you have collected about your customers or audience, you own and manage. It can come from your own website through cookies or via your app, CRM, customer feedback, in-store beacons, purchases, contact center, point-of-sale communication, or any other information given with the consent of users. It is a result of direct, trusted relationship and communication with a consumer, which makes it the most powerful. Owning first-party data also gives you the freedom to create your own segments and profiles based on the unique consumer data you have on hand. First-party data is considered to be more valuable and relevant through its specificity and quality compared to second or third- party data.

Topics: Learn More
9 min read

Wicked Onboarding FAQ

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 2, 2020 3:15:57 PM

The Wicked Reports onboarding & consultation process has a goal of ROI on your Wicked Reports investment within 90 days.  This goal needs modest effort and focus from both our customer and our team.  Our framework has 4 Wicked Success Phases.

Topics: Learn More
1 min read

Leads take time to buy

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 1:22:05 PM

“I almost canceled my most profitable ad campaign because I was measuring response every week instead of every month.”
“I stuck with an email offer that worked great although those leads took much longer to convert.”

One of these marketers understands the value of knowing how long it takes to convert a prospect into a customer. He can market smarter, report results accurately, and get the best ROI,

Topics: Learn More
1 min read

Cohort Report

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 12:55:22 PM

Understanding how much money your leads continue to spend with you is an extremely important data point.

If over time Leads that you find through Source A tend to spend way more money faster than Leads who were found through source B, you would likely want to focus your efforts on Source A Leads.

Topics: Learn More cohort
3 min read


By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 11:39:58 AM

Knowing and understanding your marketing data helps you:

  • Stop “spray and pray” marketing. With Wicked Reports you won’t have to guess or take stabs in the dark. When you can see the exact impact of each marketing campaign, you can see exactly what works and what doesn’t. You can learn from your mistakes and build on what’s working.
  • Stay focused on the metrics that matter. Modern marketers have access to so much data that it can be hard to know what’s important and what isn’t. Wicked Reports helps you stay focused on what’s important — the ROI of each marketing campaign. By focusing on real results — revenue, customers, and orders — you can avoid being distracted by vanity metrics and other statistics with little correlation to your bottomline.
  • Invest your time wisely. When you invest your time into a marketing campaign, you’re missing the opportunity to invest it elsewhere. If you invest your time into a marketing opportunity that returns 20% and you could have invested it into a marketing campaign that returned 200%, you just cost your business 180% of the ROI it could have had.
  • Save on marketing and advertising spend. When you can see exactly how well each paid ad performs, when you can see the exact impact on your business in terms of revenue, you know which ads you should kill off and which ones you should invest more into.
  • Piece together your business’s unique growth plan. As Wicked Reports reveals the true ROI of each marketing campaign, and shows you where your best customers are coming from, your business’s growth plan becomes clear.

This last point deserves a bit more attention because it gets to the core of why marketing is so important to your business… effective marketing creates customers and helps your business grow.

Topics: Learn More elearning courses
4 min read


By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 11:26:43 AM

Attribution is tricky when it comes to recurring revenue, because is is critical to track lifetime value. This is where Wicked Reports shines! So it’s easy to assume that the last marketing email or online ad is what got a customer to purchase. But you’re probably wrong. Let me tell you a secret: the most important factor is time.

Topics: Learn More
3 min read


By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 11:12:24 AM

You look in your Shopify app and see that you made a sale. That’s great!

Now you want to do more of what brought the sale in because it worked. Of course, that’s only logical. So how do you bridge the gap between your marketing programs and Shopify data?

But now you ask . . .

  • Where did that customer come from?
  • Was it that killer email you sent out last week to your own list?
  • Did it come from your new Facebook ad?
  • Or could it have been the blog post that went up last month?

Shopify can’t tell you that. Their records are based on last click, which means you see only the last thing a customer clicked on before they appeared in your Shopify store. It’s the final conversion but it’s not the whole story. So how do you bridge the gap between your marketing programs and Shopify data?

Multiple Outreach Programs
After all, we know that customers often don’t buy right away. It can take weeks or even months before they pull out their card and hit Buy. In that time you have probably reached out to them multiple times and in several different ways. You’ve used different messages, tested several offers, and tried discounts. But you don’t know which one worked.

All the data from those programs goes into your CRM but how can you bridge the gap between marketing program and action, prospect and customer, CRM and Shopify to find out which marketing program got you a customer and brought in revenue?

Again, Shopify can’t tell you that.

Tracking the Customer Journey
But Wicked Reports can. In fact, we track the entire customer journey from first optin to last click so we can tell you exactly what brought in that sale to Shopify. Not just the first optin or the last click—you see the precise program that caused your customer to buy.

You can also see where your best customers came from long before they appeared in your Shopify store. Now you can go back and mine that rich source again.

Topics: Shopify Learn More
1 min read

ROI From Google Ads

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 11:07:35 AM

Many SMBs do not understand the ROI they are getting from Google Ads because their sales are happening offline or they have a subscription based model where one sale results in recurring monthly revenue. Wicked Reports is able to connect with CRMs and pull in sales data to show businesses the ROI they are getting from many different advertising channels.

Topics: Google Ad Manager Learn More
4 min read

The Critical “Missing Piece” of the Ecommerce Growth Puzzle

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 10:47:52 AM


Growing an ecommerce store is like putting together a puzzle with four critical pieces:

Topics: Ecommerce Learn More
3 min read


By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2020 9:56:50 AM

As a consultant or agency, you want to give your marketing clients the most value—and impact—for their money. After all, they trust you to be their expert partner, someone who knows more, has outstanding creative and can analyze the results. They want great ideas, powerful copy, and deep expertise.

Topics: Agency-Consultant Learn More

ReCharge Integration

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2020 6:56:47 AM

ReCharge, the top Shopify subscription billing service, is the newest integration for Wicked Reports.  This integration is our first automatic, do absolutely nothing, integration for our clients.  

Topics: New Feature Announcement

It’s an Attribution Game Changer!

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 4, 2020 7:01:33 AM

Topics: attribution Learn More
1 min read

2020 Product Update - Enhanced ROI Report & Linear Attribution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 7, 2020 4:52:04 PM

Based on your feedback, we have made significant enhancements to the ROI report including Linear Attribution.

Topics: ROI Report Linear Attribution
1 min read

New Feature: Tracking Page Validator & Other News

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Nov 19, 2019 9:42:16 AM

We are pleased to announce a new feature to the ROI Report, the Tracking Page Validator. This new feature is very important as you try to make sure all of your campaigns are getting the clicks and leads you are expecting.

Topics: New features tracking Tracking Validator
2 min read

Hubspot and Wicked Reports

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 13, 2019 10:41:23 AM

Our integration just got stronger and more powerful. In brief summary, you now get the lifetime value and ROI of all your HubSpot leads based on real leads and sales wherever those sales are occurring, automatic email tracking with no need for UTMs, even historically, based on real sales, and this is a native Wicked integration which is authorized very quickly.

Topics: Learn More HubSpot
3 min read

Wicked Data Cleanup

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 11, 2019 10:40:56 AM

At Wicked Reports, we are always looking at how we can give our clients the most accurate view of their Wicked data. As part of this effort, we are introducing several enhancements over the next several weeks and months that will cleanup your Wicked data. Below is the first set of enhancements that we are introducing with some background on each enhancement and how it will impact you. Going forward, we will release new articles describing how we are helping you get a more accurate view of your Wicked attribution data.

Topics: Data Cleanup Attribution Health
5 min read

Organic Attribution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jul 22, 2019 10:39:58 AM

Wicked Reports announces organic traffic attribution.

At Wicked Reports, we are always looking at how we can give our clients the most accurate view of their Wicked data. As part of this effort, we are introducing several enhancements over the next several weeks and months that will cleanup your Wicked data. Below is the first set of enhancements that we are introducing with some background on each enhancement and how it will impact you. Going forward, we will release new articles describing how we are helping you get a more accurate view of your Wicked attribution data.

Topics: Uncategorized

November 2018 Usability and Performance Enhancements

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Nov 8, 2018 8:15:01 AM

We’ve been busy working hard for our customers. In the past 30 days a lot of requested features have been delivered. This video summarizes the features and lets you know what is coming in the next 6 weeks.

Topics: New Product Launch
5 min read

Podcast Attribution – How to track clicks, leads, and sales for a podcast episode

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 24, 2018 10:30:38 AM

There a couple of ways to connect podcast episodes to leads and sales using Wicked Reports.The quick version for those that are familiar with Wicked Reports technology – put unique UTM links on your emails, texts, and social posts about a podcast episode.  Wicked Reports will connect the unique UTM tracking links to contacts in your CRM and sales from your shopping cart.

There are 3 valuable data points you will get.

  1. Podcast episode link clicks.
  2. Podcast episode link clicks that find leads.
  3. Podcast episode link clicks that convert sales.

For each of those data points, the raw number of clicks, leads, and sales helps you determine interest and bottom line value to your business.

When the clicks, leads, or sales are higher than average, this means you have struck a nerve in your audience. Do MORE of that podcast content AND type of marketing for your podcast.

When the clicks, leads, or sales are lower than average, something missed the mark with either the podcast content or the marketing of that podcast.

If you need a primer on UTM tracking links, here is Google’s reference. We will use this to build the tracking link for a podcast episode below.

When sending an email about a podcast, it’s important to construct the link the correct way.

As an example, let’s use the great podcast host James Schramko and this particular episode I was on:  https://www.superfastbusiness.com/business/590-the-top-conversion-tips-after-1-5-billion-dollars-in-sales-and-retention-tips-with-scott-desgrosseilliers-from-wicked-reports/

Step 1 – Paste the link into the link field of the URL Builder:

Step 2 – Set the campaign source.  I see a lot of people type in “Podcast” here.  I disagree.  You are going to spread the news of your podcast on a number of marketing sources, so don’t make that mistake.  You should put “Email” if the source of the link click is from your email software.  You’ll indicate podcast in a different field.

Step 3 – Medium. This is the delivery mechanism of the link.  Since you are emailing this out, put “email” again just like you did in Source.

Step 4 – Campaign Name. Finally, you can indicate this is about a podcast.  If your podcast just got produced, you are probably ready to shout out the news on all available platforms.  For our example, I’m assuming you are broadcasting this podcast link via email.  I’ve input “podcast-episode-broadcast”.  Notice I used a “-” between each word…while link technology sometimes can preserve spaces, I don’t trust it, so don’t leave spaces in your values.  Each new podcast episode, I will use the exact same campaign name, so I can compare all my episode’s performance.

Step 5 – Campaign Term.  A lot of people do not put a value in this field, because it says “identify the paid keywords”.  However, we want to compare the performance of this podcast episode vs. search keywords, facebook targeting, text messaging, and organic posts on our Facebook fan page.  When comparing data, it is a lot easier to have values in all 5 UTM values.  This is why I advocate putting in an easy to understand value for your audience of this link.  Since we are emailing this to your email list, “email-list” is what to put into the term field. (Note – if you are only emailing this to an email segment that has subscribed to your podcast updates, THEN you could put “podcast-email-list”.)

Step 6 – Campaign Content.  This where you identify the podcast episode.  Prefix the episode name with the episode number so you can sort your data by episodes chronologically, and remember not to have any spaces.

Step 7 Copy the generated campaign URL and insert into your email broadcast…happy tracking!

A couple notes on the process.

  1. You can shorten these URLs using the “convert URL to short link” option or any link shortener you like – just make sure the UTMs hit a page with Wicked Reports tracking on it.  If you do NOT use Wicked Reports, make sure your Google Analytics code is on the page.
  2. Want to create your links for your other platforms now?  Simply make a few edits in the fields and copy the updated links while you are here.

Here are a couple of samples of additional tracking links that could be used.

For a Facebook Fan Page on the podcast.

For Twitter (even though you probably won’t get any sales)

Notice in all the links, the campaign and the content stay the same.  The source is the channel I’m marketing on.  The medium is the mechanism for link delivery.  And the term is the audience identification.

For ads, the same thing applies.  But who wants to create a ton of UTM links all day for their ads?  That’s why we have a Google Tracking template and Facebook auto-tracking.

I hope your podcast does great, and your podcast attribution proves that great episodes grow your sales faster.

Topics: Podcast Learn More
2 min read

How is Wicked Reports’ attribution different from Facebook’s or Google’s?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 10, 2018 10:31:32 AM

We get this question all the time, even from clients we are already using Wicked Reports.

Topics: Facebook Google AdWords attribution
2 min read

How to Use Google Similar Audiences for Ad Targeting

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 8, 2018 10:33:11 AM

Quick video today, to show you how to use Google Ad Similar Audiences for ad targeting.

Topics: Uncategorized
5 min read

How to Retarget Your Email Leads with Google Ads

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 8, 2018 10:32:40 AM

This quick video’s going to show you how to re-target your existing leads with Google Ads.

Topics: Google AdWords
5 min read

Wicked MailChimp

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 8, 2018 10:32:09 AM

MailChimp and Wicked Reports. Our integration just got stronger and more powerful. In brief summary, you now get the lifetime value and ROI of all your MailChimp leads based on real leads and sales wherever those sales are occurring, automatic email tracking with no need for UTMs, even historically, based on real sales, and this is a native Wicked integration which is authorized very quickly.

Topics: MailChimp
4 min read

How to Target Your YouTube Leads Using Search History

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 8, 2018 8:21:45 AM

Today I’d like to show you a powerful feature Google’s released: How to target your YouTube ads based on what someone has searched on.

Topics: YouTube leads search history
6 min read

An Easy Way to Track YouTube Leads

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 2, 2018 8:37:24 AM

In this video, Scott’s going to show you an easy, simple three-step process to track every single YouTube lead. The problem with tracking has been a problem since advertising was created itself. The father of advertising said, “Half my money is wasted. I just don’t know which half.” Well good news for us is that YouTube has made lead tracking way easier to do. So here’s your three-step process.

Topics: YouTube
1 min read

Data Is Like Oil In Your Business – Useless Until You Mine It

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 28, 2018 8:58:55 AM

Running an ecommerce business, one of the biggest challenges is being clear enough on “the numbers”. You have all these data inputs across email campaigns, Facebook, AdWords, content marketing links, and more, and each of these channels come with their own tracking and metrics.

Topics: Reports Jedi Strategies
2 min read

Golden Formula #3 – Average Time To First Purchase

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 28, 2018 8:57:09 AM

If you’ve crossed the $1 million annual revenue threshold, then you’re probably caught in Data Hell.

You put significant efforts behind your online marketing – across Facebook, AdWords, emails, and more – but now all that data is making things more confusing.

Each platform carries its own tracking, they don’t properly connect with one another, and you’re left staring at multiple browser tabs STILL asking the question, “what’s working and what’s not?!?”

Wouldn’t it be awesome to look at just a handful of metrics and get the answers?

After analyzing over $1.5 billion in sales data across our customer base, Wicked Reports has determined The Golden 4 Formulas to grow your ecommerce company.

Here’s a quick look at the third formula:

Golden Formula #3 – Average Time To First Purchase

Average Time To First Purchase is a great metric that doesn’t get a lot of publicity.

It tells you how long it will take new leads to become paying customers.

To calculate Average Time To First Purchase:

  1. Segment all your customers.
  2. Look at the date they first joined your email list, which is usually the create date in the CRM.
  3. Then look at the first date they made a purchase.
  4. The difference between the 2 dates is the time in days that lead took until their first purchase.
  5. Do this across all your customers, and the average of those differences is the number of days you can expect it to take for a new lead to buy.

For example, let’s say a customer purchased on November 5th, and opted in on October 1st. That’s 36 total days.

Now let’s say we had 4 other customers who took 38, 27, 35, and 20 days to buy, respectively. Our average time to purchase for this segment would be 31.2 days.

Use this metric to set the expectations on when to evaluate new lead generation campaigns. It’ll keep you from being short-sighted and pulling a campaign too soon. If your leads take an average of 20 days to become customers, you might not want to turn off your new lead generation campaign after a week if it’s not making money yet. The leads might be great, they just need a little time to buy.

Want to see Golden Formulas 1, 2, and 4?

We’ve put together a special speed-webinar absolutely free for you to watch to help you finally answer the question, “What’s working and what’s not?”

Download The Golden 4 Formulas to grow your ecommerce company – Free speed-webinar

Topics: Reports Jedi Strategies
1 min read

New Agency Features Added to Wicked Reports

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 27, 2018 9:01:55 AM

Using Wicked Reports, you can now generate beautiful client-facing reports to add value and communicate with your best clients.

Topics: Agency-Consultant
1 min read

Upgraded New Lead Attribution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 20, 2018 9:16:11 AM

We’ve just emerged from the Wicked lab with upgraded new lead attribution. This has resulted in a substantial increase in new leads counted, and more importantly, more sales tracked back to new lead gen.

Topics: New Feature Announcement Wicked Reports 2.0
1 min read

Custom Events v1

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 7, 2018 9:22:51 AM



2 min read

GDPR Update

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 25, 2018 10:05:47 AM

As the GDPR implementation deadline of May 25th approaches, we have received several inquiries from our EU-based clients and clients having their own EU-based customers who are concerned about GDPR compliance.

Topics: GDPR
1 min read

Meet Lorraine: Untangling Complex Customer Journeys

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 15, 2018 5:18:25 PM

Meet Lorraine

How to Untangle the Complex Customer Journey

Topics: customer journey
2 min read

Announcing our Enhanced ActiveCampaign Integration

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 24, 2018 4:23:15 PM

We’re excited to release our new ActiveCampaign integration. This enhanced integration makes accurately tracking the performance of your email marketing and marketing automation simple, fast, and easy. It’s the best email marketing and marketing automation integration we’ve ever built, the first of its kind, and it sets a new industry standard for email marketing attribution.

Topics: Email Marketing Integrations
4 min read

The Critical "Missing Piece" of the Ecommerce Growth puzzle

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 24, 2018 4:21:05 PM

Growing an ecommerce store is like putting together a puzzle with four critical pieces:

Topics: Ecommerce
7 min read

The 3 new truths of e-commerce marketing

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 20, 2018 4:28:16 PM

In a perfect world, growing your ecommerce store would be logical and easy… 

Topics: Ecommerce
1 min read

Wicked Reports now integrates with Klaviyo

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 20, 2018 4:24:52 PM

Today, we’re excited to announce our integration with Klaviyo.

Topics: Data Integrations
2 min read

New WickedFast Process Streamlines Setup

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 30, 2017 5:30:48 PM

Wicked Reports already had the fastest, simplest on-ramp to marketing metrics in the business. But that wasn't good enough for us.

Topics: setup
7 min read

Wicked Reports Connects Infusionsoft and WooCommerce Data

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 18, 2017 5:32:04 PM

 “How can I tell what piece of marketing or advertising created customers and orders?

Topics: WooCommerce Infusionsoft
3 min read

Make Smart Ad Decisions with the Sales Velocity Report

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Apr 12, 2017 3:55:46 PM

"I almost canceled my most profitable ad campaign because I was measuring response every week instead of every month."

Topics: Sales Velocity Report
2 min read

Increase Response and Revenue with the Predictive Behaviors Report

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Apr 4, 2017 5:34:07 PM

As a marketer, ask yourself these three questions:

Topics: Uncategorized
3 min read

The Fastest Setup You'll Ever Find

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 22, 2017 5:40:38 PM

Setup for a marketing analytics system can feel like doing your taxes, moving all your files to a new computer and cleaning out your car—all at the same time.

Topics: setup fast setup
1 min read

Wicked Reports Integrates with the Drip Marketing Automation Platform

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 22, 2017 5:35:31 PM

Wicked Reports now pulls in contact data from the Drip marketing automation platform.

Topics: Integrations Drip Marketing Automation Platform
7 min read

Six Tips for Improving Email Performance

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 16, 2017 1:03:24 PM

You have your segmented list and a good offer. You write compelling content. Then you get ready to send out an email that you hope will generate business.

Topics: email performance
3 min read

Wicked Reports Integrates with Click Funnels – Actionetics

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 7, 2017 4:36:53 PM

Wicked Reports now integrates with the Actionetics marketing integration platform from Click Funnels, the builder of drag-and-drop sales funnels. Click Funnels helps companies to build sales funnels of all kinds, including webinar, membership, email, sales and opt-in funnels.

Topics: Actionetics Click Funnels
2 min read

Wicked Reports Integrates with 3 Major Marketing Platforms

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 2, 2017 4:39:27 PM

Wicked Reports has added three major marketing platforms to its list of data sources. While each company in the Wicked reports ecosystem has its own focus and area of specialization, pulling their data into one marketing metrics system increases the power and accuracy of your marketing analysis. By expanding for measuring and analyzing the ROI of marketing programs Wicked Reports helps you to focus resources on the programs that deliver real value while de-emphasizing others.

Topics: Click Funnels Drip
2 min read

Wicked Reports Integrates with PayPal

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 2, 2017 4:38:21 PM

Wicked Reports now integrates with PayPal, the open digital payments platform company. With nearly 200 million active account holders PayPal enables customers to connect and transact whether they are online, on a mobile device, in an app, or in person.

Topics: authorization Wicked Reports attribution Integrations PayPal
3 min read

Analyze Lead Groups with the Cohort Analysis Report

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 28, 2017 2:54:05 PM

Imagine this scenario:

Topics: Cohort Analysis Report
4 min read

7 Exciting New Enhancements to the ROI Report

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 17, 2017 4:41:54 PM

The ROI Report was already the most powerful marketing metrics report anywhere in the market.

Topics: New Feature Announcement ROI Report
1 min read

What Time Should You Send Your Emails?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 4:43:19 PM

Do you always send your emails at the default time?

Topics: broadcast email email broadcast
1 min read

How to Tell Which Emails Made You The Most Money

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:59:44 PM

With Wicked Reports, we take a data-driven approach to tracking emails.

Topics: Email ROI
1 min read

Why You Can Trust Wicked Reports Data

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:58:28 PM

There comes a time when you will ask yourself...

Topics: wicked reports data
1 min read

Ease of Wicked Reports Setup

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:57:11 PM

Wicked Reports is easy to setup.

1 min read

Mark's Marathon Email Made Him $8,000 from 400 Clicks

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:56:01 PM

Mark sent an email to his list of 100,000 about a Marathon he was training for.

Topics: Email ROI
1 min read

Which Emails Make The Most Money?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:54:45 PM

Open Rates...

Topics: Email ROI emails
1 min read

What Should You Scale, or Kill, From a Facebook Campaign

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:53:37 PM

How do you really know which campaigns or ads to scale or kill?

Topics: Facebook
1 min read

Customer Journey ROI For Your Facebook Campaigns

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:52:22 PM

How am I doing on Facebook?

Topics: Uncategorized
1 min read

Why Should You Care About Sales Velocity?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:51:11 PM

How long does it take for a prospect to make their first purchase?

Topics: Sales Velocity Report
1 min read

Which FB Ad is Making You Money?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:50:02 PM

Simple Question.

Topics: Uncategorized
1 min read

Worried About Your Reputation With Your Clients?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:48:50 PM

Word of mouth is everything!

Topics: client reports
1 min read

Working Long Hours Because You Really Don't Know What's Working

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:47:41 PM

It should be easy for you to tell your clients what is working, and what is not.

Topics: Uncategorized
1 min read

Lots of Clicks and Leads but Where Did the Sales Come From?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:44:56 PM

You're generating lots of clicks and leads.

Topics: sales cycle clicks
1 min read

Spreadsheet Hell to Figure Out ROI

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:43:38 PM

Google Analytics is telling you one thing...

Topics: ROI
1 min read

Great Ads and Leads, Terrible Email Campaigns

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:42:26 PM

You're generating a bunch of great leads for your client.

Topics: email
1 min read

Revenue Now or Revenue Later?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:41:18 PM

Most Agencies focus on immediate revenue.

Topics: Current Revenue Future Revenue

Facebook Reporting Not Matching Your Sales?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 10, 2017 3:40:02 PM

Facebook reports rarely match your true sales.

Don't You Dare Kill Ad Spend Because You Can't Tell Where Customers Are Coming From

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:38:42 PM

Do you know that you have ad campaigns that are working, but don't know why?

Topics: ad spend
1 min read

Your Client Needs 30+ Days to Close a Lead - How To Prove You're Generating Leads That Convert

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:37:12 PM

Do you have clients who have a LOOOONG sales process?

Topics: leads
1 min read

Your Client is Restless and You Might Be Losing Them - Here's How To Save Them

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:35:58 PM

You know the feeling...

Topics: client reports
1 min read

Can't prove your value to your client?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:34:29 PM

Cold Hard Evidence.

Topics: client reports
1 min read

Do you feel like a total amateur when you have to tell your clients - "I'm sorry but I can't give you an exact ROI"?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:32:46 PM

The Pros can tell their clients Exact ROI for every single campaign and ad they are running.

Topics: ROI
1 min read

Do you constantly have to guess what kind of ROI you're getting for your clients?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:31:32 PM

Your clients want to know EXACTLY how you're performing as a Facebook Advertiser.

Topics: client reports ROI
1 min read

Are you looking to raise your fees and need to justify it?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 9, 2017 3:29:50 PM

As an agency, you would LOVE to raise your fees.

Topics: Agency-Consultant
5 min read

5 Reasons Why Owners Don’t Like Their SMB Marketing

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Feb 8, 2017 3:28:35 PM

This may come as a surprise but, if you’re not happy with your marketing, you are not alone. How could that be? Are so many small businesses simply that bad at marketing?

Topics: SMB marketing
3 min read

Seven Ways to Dazzle Your Marketing Clients

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 31, 2017 3:27:08 PM

As a consultant or agency, you want to give your marketing clients the most value—and impact—for their money. After all, they trust you to be their expert partner, someone who knows more, has outstanding creative and can analyze the results. They want great ideas, powerful copy, and deep expertise.

Topics: marketing consultant
3 min read

Bridging the Gap Between Marketing and Shopify

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 7, 2017 3:23:59 PM

You look in your Shopify app and see that you made a sale. That’s great!

Topics: marketing Shopify
2 min read

Answers to 7 Frequently Asked Questions

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 7, 2017 3:21:59 PM

Now and again we like to share some of the questions people ask us about Wicked Reports most often. These FAQs come from folks just like you, who want to make smart, data-driven decisions for their businesses.Now and again we like to share some of the questions people ask us about Wicked Reports  most often. These frequently asked questions come from folks just like you, who want to make smart, data-driven decisions for their businesses.

Topics: QuickStart Setup Guide FAQs
3 min read

Answer These 5 Questions and Grow Your Small Business

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 7, 2017 3:20:31 PM

You need good marketing data to make good decisions. And you need good decisions to grow your small business.

Topics: grow small business
5 min read

Six Answers You Need to Grow Your Business

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 7, 2017 2:58:46 PM

If you want to grow your business in the New Year, you’re probably asking these six critical questions:

Topics: grow small business
4 min read

Time is the X-Factor for Tracking Customer Behavior

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 7, 2017 2:51:52 PM

When you’re running a business, it’s easy to get fixed on the here and now. You just never have enough time to keep all those plates spinning to make sure the company stays profitable.

Topics: customer behavior
4 min read

Two New Wicked Reports Functions Make Your Job Easier

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 4, 2017 3:17:54 PM

Wicked Reports has announced two new functions that give our customers greater simplicity, flexibility and ease of use. The CSV Upload feature makes it easy to upload data from multiple sources and the Automatic Link Builder lets you create tracking links from inside Wicked Reports.

Topics: New Feature Announcement Automatic Link Builder CSV Upload Feature
1 min read

Set Up Facebook Ad Tracking Wicked Fast

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 3, 2017 3:15:16 PM

If you’re using Wicked Reports, you most likely want to track the ROI of your Facebook ads.

Topics: Uncategorized
3 min read

Create Stress-free Client Reports and Change Your Life

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 2, 2017 3:13:59 PM

Does this sound familiar? You spend hours—and burn gallons of midnight oil—creating end-of-month client reports that quantify program effectiveness for your clients and justify your fee.  You wonder whether your most important product is marketing expertise or the monthly report itself.

Topics: Reports
2 min read

WickedSmartz Makes for Smart Marketing

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Nov 7, 2016 3:11:28 PM

What good is a system for measuring your online ad results if you have to crunch all the numbers yourself?

Topics: WickedSmartz
3 min read

Here's the Most Powerful ROI Report You'll Ever See

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Nov 4, 2016 4:09:40 PM

Before you read about the new ROI Report from Wicked Reports, ask yourself a couple of questions.

Topics: Uncategorized
3 min read

Email Open Rates vs. ROI: Stop Obsessing Already

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 18, 2016 1:00:58 PM

Last week we talked about why online marketers need to prioritize return on investment over cost per click. Today we’re discussing the relative importance of open rates.

Topics: Email ROI Email Open Rates
3 min read

3 Reasons Why Cost per Click Is Costing You--Big Time

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 11, 2016 4:01:16 PM

If you’re like most online marketers you evaluate your ad campaigns by measuring their cost per click. Not only has this been best practice since, well, forever. it has also been the only way you could get a quantitative handle on advertising effectiveness.

Topics: cost per click ROI
2 min read

Facebook Conversion Path #4: Long-term Conversion

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Oct 3, 2016 4:02:42 PM

Here’s the last conversion path our Facebook lead, Maximus, followed before purchasing from the Wicked Good Juice company. Six months after Maximus first became a lead, he buys from a webinar that was promoted on Facebook and email but opts in with a different click than the one described in the previous conversion path. Maximus is 20 years old, male, and likes the Boston Red Sox.

Topics: Facebook Conversion Tracking
3 min read

Path #3: Understanding the Facebook Webinar Conversion Path

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 19, 2016 4:04:00 PM

A lead for six months buys from a webinar that was promoted on Facebook and Email.

Topics: Facebook Conversion Tracking
4 min read

Exploring Common Facebook Conversion Paths

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 12, 2016 4:05:43 PM

To follow up on our last post we’ll examine some typical customer click paths and demonstrate the challenges of traditional last-click conversion tracking. We’re going to follow a lead called Maximus for a fictitious company, “Wicked Good Juice (WGJ).” Their online marketing efforts will convert Maximus across four possible customer journeys from prospect to buyer. Maximus is a young man, 20 years old, who likes the Boston Red Sox. Today we’ll examine the first customer path.

Topics: Facebook Conversion Tracking
3 min read

Facebook Conversion Path #2: Over Time

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 9, 2016 12:59:15 PM

In our last post we met a lead called Maximus and followed him along a Facebook conversion path through multiple marketing offers from the Wicked Good Juice Company. In this post we track him through a second set of marketing contacts before he finally makes a purchase. Maximus is 20 years old, male, and likes the Boston Red Sox.

Topics: Facebook conversions
2 min read

Understanding Facebook's Custom Conversion Events

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 7, 2016 12:39:48 PM

Last year Facebook upgraded to a new way of tracking that offered a significant improvement. The new tracking allows you to define which URL means a conversion. When the Facebook tracking code detects that defined URL loading up for a person who clicked or viewed one of your ads, it awards that ad a conversion. That seems clear enough.

Topics: Facebook custom conversion
4 min read

How Lobster Co. Clawed $8K+ from Ad Spend and Raised ROI by 611%

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Sep 2, 2016 4:07:30 PM

You probably know that Facebook advertising is one of the best ways to get more sales for your business. In fact 3,750,000 online business owners now use Facebook to acquire their customers. One issue with Facebook Advertising data, however, is that it’ doesn't give you the “complete picture.”  Let me explain.

Topics: Facebook advertising Wicked Reports Facebook ROI ROI
1 min read

Active Campaign + Stripe = Wicked Good ROI

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Aug 8, 2016 12:32:18 PM

The wait is OVER!

Topics: Stripe Active Campaign ROI
1 min read

The Three Big Problems with Today's Link Tracking

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jul 1, 2016 4:12:49 PM

Link tracking has been in the news lately because it’s just not working efficiently.

Topics: Link Tracking
1 min read

Wicked Reports Now Offers Live Product Reports

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jun 6, 2016 12:29:36 PM

The product report shows you all products at a glance, giving you important information about sales:

Topics: New Feature Announcement product reports
26 min read

You Are Wasting Facebook Ad Dollars Unless You Understand Conversions

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 25, 2016 12:25:16 PM

The expectation of most people is that when they see a sales conversion in a report, it means "my customer clicked on this ad and then immediately bought my stuff or joined my list."

Topics: Uncategorized
4 min read

5 Ways to Improve Facebook Ad Performance

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on May 9, 2016 12:48:40 PM

Every marketing manager wants to get the most from the money he or she spends on programs.  Busy marketers sometimes have trouble, however, keeping up with the latest tech changes and creative ideas. Here are five things you can do to improve Facebook ad performance and get the best results from your investment.

Topics: Uncategorized
1 min read

Wicked Reports Product Update: March 2016

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Mar 14, 2016 12:23:10 PM

Watch for the Wicked Reports product upgrade tsunami that's headed your way. It starts now and will roll out over the next two weeks. Our goal is to find what makes money for you and what wastes your time. Once you know, you can scale up what works and kill what doesn't!

There is so much to cover that I'll follow up with a separate, deep-dive post for each feature . Here's the list of upgrades coming from Wicked Reports:

Topics: New features
4 min read

When Is the Best Time to Send Your Emails?

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 18, 2016 2:36:32 PM

When you create an email for that fantastic new sales campaign that is going to take you to the next level, what time do you schedule it to be sent?

Topics: Uncategorized
3 min read

Product Tripwire Attribution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 18, 2016 11:17:16 AM

Wicked Reports' Product / Tripwire Attribution report connects your customer's buying behavior for specific products to the marketing activity that acquired them AND  the revenue they generate for you AFTER their purchase of a specific product.

Topics: New Feature Announcement attribution
1 min read

What's Driving Your Sales? It's All About Attribution

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 18, 2016 11:06:57 AM

We created Wicked Reports because of the confusing, cryptic, and unverifiable ways existing analytics tools attributed revenue and sales.  People came to us who had tried everything else and were tired of banging their heads against the wall.

Topics: attribution
1 min read

Hello, Next-Level Mastermind Member!

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 17, 2016 11:19:06 AM

Thanks for clicking on the link below my Next Level Mastermind forum signature.

Topics: Next-Level Mastermind

Wicked Reports Tracking for Google Ad Manager

By Scott Desgrosseilliers on Jan 16, 2016 11:20:52 AM

Wicked Reports Tracking for Google Ad Manager

Topics: Google Ad Manager