Death of the 3rd Party Cookie &

Rise of the Wicked AI Coach

Key Areas:

2:27 How 3rd party cookie death might affect you
4:30 What no one seems to talk about regarding pushing data into ad platforms!
9:02 The Onus on the attribution platform user (you)
9:50 The time (you don't have) it takes to get attribution training
13:56 Why I can sleep well due to the Wicked Coach
15:02 Automated, Consistent, Disciplined Results on Auto Pilot
16:26 Where to scale ad spend winners
18:34 Pinpoint Leaky PPC Budgets
21:15 Customer LTV Insights
22:36 Advanced Attribution Strategies
26:12 The Point of Attribution
29:26 Netflix Attribution Easy Button
30:26 My favorite slide

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