

1st party data conversions

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Wicked Reports uses 1st party data conversions to ensure the most accurate
and actionable attribution data possible.


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Leveraging 1st Party Data Conversions for Transparent Reporting


The only way to ensure your attribution is accurate is to be able to transparently prove your numbers are correct.

The only way to do that is to use 1st party data conversions.   This page describes all the possible conversions that get reported in your data, and which ones you should focus on.


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What are 1st party data conversions



1st party data conversions are those that occur from collection of data from your website visitors, leads, and customers.  This data is coming directly from your marketing and/or customer base, so it is more valuable and more trustworthy.

There are several sources of 1st party data conversions.  Here are the most common ones Wicked Reports uses via integration to the 1st party data system, CSV upload, or API.


The raw data from your shopping cart is the most valuable conversion you have - revenue!  The identity of the customer, the time and date of the purchase, the amount, and the products purchased are all generally 1st party data gathered from this source.

Wicked Reports uses shopping cart sales as the main source of sales conversion data that powers CAC, LTV, and ROAS.

When customers purchase a subscription and billing continues to recur, this is likely the most valuable set of customers you have.

Traditional sales conversion tracking relies on website traffic URL to identify when a sale occurred.  But a recurring subscription payment does not hit a URL, it processes a payment on a server.  So traditional sales conversion tracking (such as Meta, Google Ads, and TikTok) miss these most valuable customers.

Wicked Reports integrates with the recurring subscription payment systems so that the recurring payments are counted as part of your sales & revenue.  This gives true LTV, and can make subscription brand metrics much more positive for CAC and ROAS.

To accurately track Top and Middle of the Funnel conversion, it is important to capture email submissions that are made prior to the sale.  Wicked Reports pulls contacts created from our CRM integrations.  This helps us determine new lead conversions, and existing leads re-engagement conversions.

Many media buyers get paid based on booked calls or appointments.  And sometimes brands have a booked call / appointment as a middle funnel conversion prior to the sale.

In both cases, knowing the paid media that is driving the calls is critical to success.

Marketers can decide that other key events are important to measure the cost and return on ad spend for.  They can use custom conversions to see the impact of marketing campaigns in driving those conversions.  

When a visitor clicks and arrives on your website, the information about that click can be harvested as 1st party data.  Once that visitor is identified in the future, Wicked Reports fires up the Attribution Time Machine to determine when they first clicked to come to your site.  This first click helps determine what is driving top of the funnel awareness from cold traffic.

Ad Platform conversion tracking

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Ad platforms use a myriad of methods to determine conversions.  The ultimate goal is to spend more on their platform.

Pixel fires


This is the most common way conversions are measured, and it’s flawed.  You setup a goal URL as the conversion.  When the URL gets hit, there is code on the page that sends a message to Meta, Google, Tiktok, and your email CRM that a conversion has occurred.

The problem is that 1 conversion has happened, but 4 (or many more) channels are receiving the event that a conversion has occurred.

All of the channels receiving the conversion event are likely to take full credit.

None of the channels are likely to give each other credit!

And you can’t connect the dots of which prospect, lead, or customer is being reported in the ad platform reporting as a conversion.  So you cannot de-dupe and end up with inflated and inaccurate numbers.

Pixel fires

Conversion APIs


The ad platforms allow you to send them conversions via their API using 1st party data.  This is an improvement on using pixel fires for conversions.

The downside, like with pixel conversions: 

1 numberAll of the channels receiving the conversion event are likely to take full credit.

2 numberNone of the channels are likely to give each other credit

3 numberYou can’t connect the dots of which prospect, lead, or customer is being reported in the ad platform reporting as a conversion.  So you cannot de-dupe and end up with inflated and inaccurate numbers.

Conversion APIs

Offline Conversions


Offline conversions exist to allow you to send the ad platforms conversions that happened in real life.  You can upload them via API or CSV, and then the ad platforms use the event time of the offline conversion to work backwards and determine what ad influenced the offline conversion event.

Offline Conversions

View Through Conversions

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Marketers and brands usually have a strong like or dislike of view-through conversions. 

A view-through conversion is reported by an ad platform when they receive notification of a conversion from pixel, conversion API, offline conversion, or Meta shop.

The ad platform then looks back in time for the last ad impression not clicked, within a certain period of time, and gives the ad a view through conversion. The idea being that the person viewed the ad, then went directly to the website and made the purchase.

Wicked Reports allows you to modify the amount of view-through credit you wish to give Meta/Facebook, on the fly, so you can dynamically customize a view’s influence based on the situation.

View Through

Meta Shop Conversions

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An ad platform conversion we can trust, from Meta of all people!  A Meta Shop conversion is a sale that occurred on your Meta Shop.  Often, this sales is pushed into your ecommerce platform such as Shopify.

Meta Shop Conversions

AI data-driven “conversions”

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These are conversions that can’t be proved - because they aren’t real.  AI infers that a sales conversion happened.

This is done when a platform doesn’t have enough data and wishes to hide behind AI.

An extremely well-known Google Ads buyer relayed a story with an attribution platform that uses AI for conversions.  All 3 of his ad groups showed 12.7 conversions for a given time period - making it 37.1 sales.  His actual store had less sales than that.

AI is a helpful tool for many things.  Creating phantom conversions should not be one of them.

AI data-driven “conversions”

Validating Conversions:
Leveraging First-Party Data for Trustworthy Insights

Which conversions are most important

The most important conversions are the ones that lead to more efficiently acquired future conversions (sorry - that was annoying).

Our opinion is that top of the funnel conversions tied to future sales conversions are the most important, because otherwise your future sales will dip.  If you don’t know what is getting future customers engaged with your brand so that they later convert, you will never be able to scale.

How Wicked Reports Uses 1st Party Data Conversions

1st party data conversions have been the foundation of Wicked Reports reporting since 2014.

We believe that 1st party data conversions are the only way to have data you can trust.

We also believe that 1st party data conversions are the highest quality data signal.

When the Wicked Coach tells you to scale your hard earned ad budget on a CAC or ROAS number is our platform, we can stand by that advice because of the quality of our conversion data and attribution algorithms built from that great data.

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